Who works with matured frozen products?
Restaurants in the "mid-range +" category and above, as well as enthusiastic and already informed private consumers.
Why work with matured meat?
Lamb/Mutton, for example, is recommended not to be consumed earlier than the 8th day after slaughter (provided that the temperature regime from 0 to +4°C is maintained). This is due to the processes of meat maturation (autolysis). This method was first used by monks three to four centuries ago, who utilized cellars as temperature chambers. In the modern world, we use refrigeration chambers or maturation chambers. The meat becomes more tender and acquires specific flavor nuances depending on the applied technologies.
What should you know about thawing?
The most effective thawing, without loss of flavor and juiciness, should be carried out at temperatures from 0 to +8°C. A product weighing about one kilogram will thaw at this temperature in 12-16 hours. Therefore, if you place the desired frozen product in the refrigerator in the evening, it will be ready to use by the next morning.
Does the taste of dishes prepared from frozen semi-finished products suffer?
No, this is a myth supported by some chefs of Caucasian and Arabic cuisine to create a special image for their restaurants. In reality, in most cases, this myth is a crime, considering the unknown origin of the meat in their kitchens and the dishes prepared from it on the grill or barbecue. It should be noted that grilling and barbecuing do not provide sufficiently long heat treatment.
An interesting fact: in our company's history, there were two cases when a chef insisted on using only chilled raw materials. One case involved a chef from Britain and the other from the Caucasus. In both cases, during a "blind" tasting, they could not distinguish between dishes made from frozen and chilled products. The issue was resolved, and to this day, they work with our products.
Why do "high-end" restaurants worldwide subject natural (non-industrial) meat (pasture-raised animals and game) and fish (certain predatory species) to mandatory freezing?
The reason is that not all parasites die using various cooking methods, and their presence is guaranteed in all free-living inhabitants of our planet who have not systematically received veterinary drugs and care. The trend today is for maximum natural flavor, which often means short processing times, where the internal temperature of the meat or fish in many dishes does not rise above 55-65°C. Some dishes are even made from raw meat or fish. Therefore, freezing vacuum-packed products according to technological processes eliminates consumer risks and fixes the degree of product maturation. Considering that the demand for natural and very tasty products comes from discerning consumers, how can we not take care of it?
Why is it categorically not recommended to engage in the process of meat maturation purchased at fairs and markets?
Meat produced at home, following all hygiene rules for slaughter and processing, can be further worked on and matured using the fresh chambers of refrigerators (0 + 4°C) with mandatory vacuum packaging for subsequent freezing. Meat purchased at fairs and markets, which refers to meat produced at home and sold at fairs or organized markets for home-grown and home-produced products, should not be subjected to maturation processes. This is because 99% of the beef and lamb presented at markets is produced without adhering to sanitary norms and temperature regimes for storage and transportation, let alone mandatory cooling processes. Meat from fairs and markets is suitable for long-term heat treatments (stewing, baking, etc.).
Why is imported chilled meat not frozen?
Let's start with the end. This is not true, it is also frozen, but only at the end of its shelf life. Freezing is much more expensive. Therefore, all types of imported steak meat are supplied in large cuts and have a shelf life of 90 days on the bone to 120 days in the flesh. These large cuts are sliced into steaks in Ukraine and supplied to restaurants.
To maintain such storage periods, low-concentration preservative solutions are used to spray the cuts. Sometimes, this meat can be "bitten off with your lips," which is due to excessive aging, temperature regime violations, or borderline storage periods. This meat may have a certain "spongy" taste.
Lamb/Mutton, produced with the use of preservative spraying, has a shelf life of up to 90 days on the bone and the same flavor characteristics. In general, extremes cannot be avoided, but the "trend for freshness" and the desire to save on electricity do their job.