Lamb Neck

(1.0-), (1.0​-​1.3), (1.3​-​1.7), (1.7+)

1.0​-​1.3 dish for two people

(the average weight of a single unit of the product is 1150gr, with a deviation of ±13%.)

1.3​-​1.7 dish for three people

(the average weight of a single unit of the product is 1500gr, with a deviation of ±13%.)

Usage, preparation method:

Mandi, roasting, stewing.


  • Stable caliber.
  • Organic natural taste.
  • Uniform appearance and size of the served prepared dish.
  • Stability in the cooking process and results (same manufacturer, same country of origin, same age category, same caliber, same processing time).


Guaranteed savings up to 20%.
Lamb carcass, depending on the breed, country of origin, and age, has a weight ranging from 10 kg to 22 kg. The neck comprises 10% of the carcass weight, which is equal to 1.0-2.2 kg. Therefore, the average neck weight is 1.6 kg. Deviation in the weight of a single unit of the product, among other suppliers, averages 0.6 kg or 38%.